Follow the 12 key steps for lingual retainer success by Dra. Marta Serra Serrat
The key to long-term success to achieve a good adherence for the upper and lower lingual retainers is to follow a strict and meticulous technique.
We describe step by step clinical recommendations to obtain the most stable and predictable result in lower fixed retainers:
1. While the orthodontic appliances remain in place, take a snap impression of the patient’s teeth and pour a working model of hard stone.
2. Using the working model as a guide, bend a plain round stainless steel of gold-coated wire of 0.030 inch diameter, or a 0.025 inch six-stranded stainless steel wire with a fine, straight three-jaw or similar pliers so that the wire precisely contacts the lingual surface of all mandibular incisors. We recommend the six stranded coaxial round wire, because it maintains the shape and will not unravel or deform in future.
3. If using a plain round wire, is recommended to sand blast the ends with aluminum oxide powder for about 5 seconds from different directions, using the micro-etcher in a dust cabinet.
4. Clean the lingual surfaces of the four incisors and canines with a tungsten carbide bur.
5. Check the position of the wire in the mouth. When optimal, fix with three or four pieces of dental floss around the teeth.

6. With the retainer wire in place, etch the lingual surfaces of the canines with orthophosphoric acid gel for 30 seconds.
7. Rinse and dry completely. Use a high-speed suction and make sure that you keep the whole area dry and free of moisture.
8. Use a fine brush and apply a fine coat of moisture insensitive primer on the lingual surfaces of the central incisors ends and shape the resin bulk with fine brush strokes from the gingival margin to the incisal edge. A small amount of primer on the brush tip will dilute the resin and make it flowable, and this will create a smooth, gentle contour in an incisogingival direction.
9. Light cure the composite resin 20 seconds per tooth.
10. Cut and remove the dental floss out of the mouth.
11. Trim along the gingival margin and contour with an oval tungsten carbide bur so that it has a smooth contour in an incisogingival direction. Use a smaller bur interdentally to make sure that no bonding material is in between teeth and beneath the gingiva tissue.
12. Instruct the patient in proper oral hygiene and use of dental floss or Superfloss beneath the retainer wire to prevent accumulation for calculus and plaque.

If you want to correct your teeth, improve your smile and have a better quality of life, come to SMILELINE CLINIC BARCELONA, we are specialized in orthodontics. Ask our professionals all your doubts and request your first diagnostic consultation.
Always be sure to be treated by authentic, experienced professionals. For more information or a first appointment, contact us at Tel. 932002092
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